Bundle up and Save a Bundle During Penguin Days at the Cincinnati Zoo
Half-Price Cincinnati Zoo Admission daily through March 10
Cincinnati, OH (January 5, 2017) — The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden is now celebrating Penguin Days, presented by FirstEnergy Solutions. March to the Cincinnati Zoo to save a waddle of cash! Visitors can experience cooler prices and even cooler animals during Penguin Days, with half-price Zoo admission and penguin parades on select days plus special animal encounters on Saturdays & Sundays through March 10.
Starting tomorrow, guests can join the #BestParadeInAmerica alongside the Zoo’s famous king penguins. The parade from the Bird House to the Children’s Zoo happens every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday at 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (weather permitting) through February 27. Twelve heated indoor animal exhibits provide plenty of opportunities to warm up while learning about insects, bonobos, manatees, nocturnal animals, monitors of all sizes, reptiles and more!
The Cincinnati Zoo opens daily at 10 a.m. Zoo admission is half-price through March 10. Half-price admission prices are $9.50/adults, $6.50/children & seniors (2-12, 62 +) and children under two are FREE. Purchase online and SAVE! Parking is $10. For more information, visit www.cincinnatizoo.org.