Guam Rail
Gallirallus owstoni
The brown tree snake hit the jackpot when it found its way onto the island of Guam – flightless, ground-nesting birds with no defenses against a snake.
Learn MoreGolden-breasted starling
Cosmopsarus regius
Golden-breasted starlings exhibit cooperative breeding, where group members assist with nest-building and feeding the young.
Learn MorePigeon Guillemot
Cepphus columba
Using their wings as paddles and their feet as rudders, they dive more than 150 feet deep to the sea bottom.
Learn MorePied Imperial Pigeon
Ducula bicolor
Pied imperial pigeons travel in flocks at dusk and dawn and are migratory birds.
Learn MoreNicobar pigeon
Caloenas nicobarica
The colorful Nicobar pigeon has such a strong, hooked bill that it can crack open nuts that would require a hammer for a human.
Learn MoreMasked Lapwing
Vanellus miles
The lapwing aggressively defends its nest during breeding season, dive bombing intruders or acting as if it has a broken wing to lure intruders away.
Learn MoreMasked Bobwhite Quail
Colinus virginianus ridgwayi
The Zoo is helping the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reestablish masked bobwhite quail populations in Arizona.
Learn MoreMajor Mitchell’s Cockatoo
Cacatua leadbeateri
When the conditions are right and plenty of food is available, they breed.
Learn MoreMagpie Goose
Anseranas semipalmata
It is also the only water bird that often forms a mating trio, one male with two females.
Learn MoreMagellanic Penguin
Spheniscus magellanicus
Magellanic penguins wear the typical black and white tuxedo pattern, which is an adaptation called counter-shading.
Learn MoreLaughing Kookaburra
Dacelo navaeguineae
The kookaburra is nicknamed the Bushman’s clock for its alarming calls at dawn.
Learn MoreCrested Coua
Coua cristata
The crested coua is a type of cuckoo bird.
Learn MoreCommon Eider
Somateria mollissima
A large sea duck, the common eider dives up to 60 feet deep to pluck clams, crabs and other animals off the sea floor.
Learn MoreYellow-rumped cacique
Cacicus cela
The symphony of sounds emanated from a colony is truly remarkable, complete with fluting notes, cackles, clucks and wheezes.
Learn MoreWhite-naped Pheasant Pigeon
Otidiphaps nobilis aruensis
Its long moaning coo, also uncharacteristic of a pigeon, carries a long distance through the forest.
Learn MoreBuff-crested bustard
Eudpodotis ruficrista
The buff-crested bustard is named for a crest of feathers along the back of the male’s neck that are erected when displaying.
Learn MoreWhite-Headed Buffalo Weaver
Dinemellia dinemelli
White-headed buffalo weavers were named for their elaborate nests, which often have multiple compartments and tunnels, that they “weave” together using thorny branches.
Learn MoreBoat-Billed Heron
Cochlearius cochlearius
Roosting in the trees during the day, the boat-billed heron comes down at dusk to hunt.
Learn MoreWhite-eared Bulbul
Pycnonotus leucotis
Usually seen in pairs or small flocks, white-cheeked bulbuls are medium-sized songbirds named for their prominent white cheek patches.
Learn MoreWhite Ibis
Eudocimus albus
White Ibises stand out in the crowd with their reddish-pink legs and bills. Unlike larger herons who stalk their prey.
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