Derbyana Flower Beetle
Dicronorhina derbyana
While in it's larval stage, the grub spends several months underground consuming broken-down leaf litter and recycling nutrients back into the soil.
Learn MoreAnthony’s Poison Dart Frog
Epipedobates anthonyi
Protected by other predators' instinctive unwillingness to prey on them, Anthony's poison dart frog boldly hunts small insects during the day without fear.
Learn MoreChinese Crocodile Lizard
Shinisaurus crocodilurus
Mainly active during the day, it often enters into a metabolic pause, remaining completely still and unresponsive for hours at a time.
Learn MoreOrchid Mantid
Hymenopus coronatus
The orchid mantid is a praying mantis named for its resemblance to an orchid flower
Learn MoreGiant Water bug
Abedus herberti
This insect breathes at the surface or from an air bubble held under its wings when submerged, somewhat like a tiny SCUBA diver.
Learn MoreGiant Walking Stick
Phobaeticus serratipes
The giant walking stick is one of the longest walking sticks.
Learn MoreGiant Spiny Leaf Insect
Heteropteryx dilatata
In this sexually dimorphic species, the female is green or yellow and leaf-shaped, while the male is brown and looks like a dead curled leaf.
Learn MoreGiant Jumping Stick
Is this insect a walking stick? Take a closer look at the hind legs—they’re modified for jumping. It actually is a stick-like grasshopper!
Learn MoreGiant African Millipede
This elongate arthropod moves slowly, thus, cannot make a quick escape.
Learn MoreGolden Silk Spider
Trichonephila clavipes
Up to three inches long, the female Florida orb web spider is five or six times larger than the male.
Learn MoreFire-bellied newt
Cynops pyrrhogaster
Less than six inches long, this aquatic amphibian feeds on insects and other invertebrates in slow-moving or still waters.
Learn MoreEmperor Scorpion
Pandinus imperator
A young emperor scorpion kills its prey with venom injected through the sharp sting at the tip of its ‘tail.’
Learn MorePoison Dart Frog
Dendrobates tinctorius
Scientists are studying the frog’s toxins in search of potential medical uses.
Learn MorePeruvian Firestick
Oreophoetes peruana
When threatened, the firestick secretes a stinky and irritating body fluid.
Learn MorePeppered Roach
Archimandrita tesselata
Central AmericaCockroaches are a very misunderstood group of insects; out of over 4,000 species fewer than 20 are considered human pests.
Learn MoreOrnate Horned Frog
Ceratophrys ornata
The ornate horned frog has pointy folds of skin above its eyes rather than actual horns.
Learn MoreNaked Mole-rat
Heterocephalus glaber
Digging tunnels, gnawing roots, and defending against intruders are all functions of the naked mole-rat’s enormous incisors.
Learn MoreMarbled Crayfish
Procambarus fallax
Breathing through feater-like gills, it feeds on and hides among aquatic plants to protect itself from fish, birds, and other predators.
Learn MoreMagnificent Flower Beetle
Chelorrhina polyphemus
Males are larger than females and bear forked horns used in shoving matches with other males to protect their claim to food or a mate.
Learn MoreMadagascar Giant Day Gecko
Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis
The gecko’s toe pads are specially designed for gripping so that it can climb vertical surfaces.
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