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The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden accepts donations to create named endowment funds that will become part of the Zoo’s investment portfolio overseen by the Foundation Board.  A minimum gift of $35,000 is required to create a named endowment fund, and the intended use of the fund’s allocations must fit within and support the Zoo’s mission and purpose.


Gifts of any amount may be made to existing named funds:

Acquisition of Animals Miriam Gottlieb Fund
Animal Food & Habitats Dorothy Girard Fund
Bird House Operations Harriet Collord Bird House Fund
Cat Outreach Program Dorothy & Walter Tedtmann Fund
Conservation Lecture Series Winifred & Emil Barrows Lecture Series Fund
CREW Fellowships Eisenberg Fellowship at CREW
CREW Operations CREW Fund
Dogs, Cats & Cougar Programs Mary K. Niland Fund
Education Programs Michael P. Deger Memorial Fund
Oliver M. Gale Education Fund
Thane Maynard Education Fund
Education Programs for Children of Single Parents Lisa M. Spitz Memorial Fund
Global Conservation with an Emphasis on Cheetahs Cathryn Hilker Angel Fund
Horticulture Program Toni LaBoiteaux Horticulture Fund
Horticulture Program (Tulip Purchases) Mary Ruth Stevens Horticulture Fund
Puffin Exhibit Philip Meyers Puffin Exhibit Fund
Zoo Operations Unrestricted Endowment Fund

Acquisition of Animals
Animal Food & Habitats
Bird House Operations
Cat Outreach Program
Conservation Lecture Series
CREW Fellowships
CREW Operations
Dogs, Cats & Cougar Programs
Education Programs


Education Programs for Children of Single Parents
Global Conservation with an Emphasis on Cheetahs
Horticulture Program
Horticulture Program (Tulip Purchases)
Puffin Exhibit
Zoo Operations

Miriam Gottlieb Fund
Dorothy Girard Fund
Harriet Collord Bird House Fund
Dorothy & Walter Tedtmann Fund
Winifred & Emil Barrows Lecture Series Fund
Eisenberg Fellowship at CREW
Mary K. Niland Fund
Michael P. Deger Memorial Fund
Oliver M. Gale Education Fund
Thane Maynard Education Fund
Lisa M. Spitz Memorial Fund
Cathryn Hilker Angel Fund
Toni LaBoiteaux Horticulture Fund
Mary Ruth Stevens Horticulture Fund
Philip Meyers Puffin Exhibit Fund
Unrestricted Endowment Fund

For more information about creating a named fund or contributing to an existing fund, please contact Jeff Sperry at 513-487-3342 or [email protected].