April Photo-a-Day Instagram Challenge

Posted April 1, 2014


Show us your blooms! Share your favorite animal pics! Take a selfie at the Zoo. Have a month of fun participating in Cincinnati Zoo’s April Instagram Challenge.

Post a photo each day that represents the items listed below.  We’ll repost our favorites!  Tag your photos with #CincyZooPic

Day 1- April Fool’s

Day 2 – Lulu the giraffe

Day 3 – Favorite Zoo Pic

Day 4 – John the Lion

Day 5 – Show us your blooms

Day 6 – Zoo Blooms

Day 7 – Zoo Baby

Day 8 – Feathered Friends

Day 9 – Favorite Zoo Animal

Day 10 – Tunes & Blooms

Day 11 – Gladys the baby gorilla

Day 12 – Tulips

Day 13 – Stripes

Day 14- Animal Encounter

Day 15- Favorite tree

Day 16 -Cat Canyon

Day 17- Rides

Day 18- Great Zoo Memory

Day 19- Easter Celebration

Day 20- Manatee

Day 21- Night Hunters

Day 22-#GreenestZooInAmerica

Day 23- The BIG ones

Day 24- Beautiful

Day 25-Up close animals

Day 26- Selfie at the Zoo

Day 27- Favorite blooms

Day 28- Flamingo

Day 29-Harapan – Sumatran rhino’s birthday

Day 30- Animal shows