Cincinnati Zoo Announces Project Polar Bear Winner!

Posted February 25, 2011

WHO:             The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden’s Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Wildlife (CREW) has teamed up with Polar Bears International (PBI) as part of the Project Polar Bear Contest. The Zoo’s Thane Maynard will be publically announcing and recognizing the 2010 regional winners, “Team Care Bears” from Seven Hills High School on Thursday, February 24, at 8 a.m. just in time for International Polar Bear Day on Sunday, February 27.


WHAT:          As part of Project Polar Bear, students were responsible for developing projects that result in reduced carbon emissions. They were charged with coming up with a creative idea and ensuring it is implemented so that carbon emission is reduced by some tangible amount at the end of the 12 week project.


                        Team “The Care Bears” took the initiative right from the start and knew that the best way to reach people was through the internet. With help from adult advisor Craig Young, the team created a website ( allowing members to enter their actions and see immediately the impact the action had on reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Not only did they see this as a local opportunity but international, bringing it to the attention of people from England, Hungary, China and many more countries. Calculations estimate these actions saved $17,406 in energy costs and prevented the emission of 230,082 pounds of CO2.

Now, regional winners across the country anxiously wait to hear if they are announced the bi-national Project Polar Bear Contest Grand Prize winner in early March. The team that wins the bi-national contest is awarded a trip to Churchill, Manitoba to see the polar bears in the wild.

WHEN:          Thursday, February 24, at 8:00 a.m.

WHERE:       Seven Hills High School

                        Assembly Hall


5400 Red Bank Road
Cincinnati, OH 45227

HOW:             Media are invited to cover the announcing of Cincinnati’s Project Polar Bear Winner and view the acceptance of the award.  Thane Maynard & The Care Bears Team will be available for interviews after the presentation.