Cincinnati Zoo Welcomes Baby Armadillo Lizard

Posted September 12, 2024 by Angela Hatke

The Cincinnati Zoo is thrilled to announce the arrival of a brand-new addition to the family of armadillo lizards (Ouroborus cataphractus). After a gestation period of six to eight months, the newest baby was born and is now under the careful care of its mother—who we hope will also take an active role in raising and feeding this little one!

The Zoo’s journey with these fascinating reptiles began in November 2019, when five armadillo lizards were confiscated at CVG Airport while being illegally smuggled into the United States from South Africa. Since their rescue, our team has been committed to providing them with the best care possible.

This week’s birth marks the third successful armadillo lizard birth here at the Cincinnati Zoo! The previous babies were born in March 2020 and October 2022. We are proud to be one of only three zoological institutions in the U.S.—and one of just eleven worldwide—that care for and maintain this incredible species.

Armadillo lizards are listed as Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). They face significant challenges to their survival, primarily due to illegal collection for the pet trade, habitat loss, and the impact of climate change.

We invite you to visit the “Dragons” habitat to catch a glimpse of the new baby, who is easily recognizable by its smaller size compared to the adult lizards. Don’t miss this chance to meet one of the world’s most unique reptiles and learn more about our efforts to protect them!