Cincinnati Zoo’s Baby Giraffe Makes Her Public Debut!
Photo Opportunity, Thursday, May 8, at 10:30 a.m.
WHO: The Cincinnati Zoo is excited to announce that its newest addition – “Nasha” a week and a half old female baby giraffe – will make her official public debut in the outdoor yard at Giraffe Ridge on Thursday, May 8, at 10:30 a.m.
WHAT: After spending time indoors, bonding with mom, “Tessa”, sister, “Lulu”, and two adult female giraffes, named “Cece” and “Jambo”, Nasha is ready to get outside and explore. Now that they have spent adequate time bonding indoors, the five female giraffes will all come outside together for the debut.
Although their numbers have decreased in the past century, giraffes are not currently endangered, but listed as “lower risk” with fairly stable populations. Unlike many species, there is no true breeding season for the Maasai Giraffe and females can become pregnant beginning at just four years of age. In the wild up to 75% of the calves die in their first few months of life, mainly due to predation.
WHEN: Thursday, May 8, at 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: Giraffe Ridge