Earth Day 2024 – A Day Filled with Heart
The Earth says hello! April 22nd is globally known as Earth Day, which is a day dedicated to the beautiful environment that surrounds us and serves to encourage individuals to recognize their role as environmental stewards. At the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, we strive to promote the idea that every day is an opportunity to promote the well-being of Earth.
A jaunt around the Zoo will help you become aware of our sustainability projects, such as the implementation of rain gardens, pollinator gardens, and LEED certified buildings. Currently, the Zoo is focused on achieving the goal of diverting 90% of our generated waste from the landfill by 2025 (next year!) through means of composting, recycling, and reusing.

Other recent projects include the installation of solar arrays both on grounds and at our satellite Bowyer Farm property, the replacement of asphalt with pervious pavers on Zoo pathways, and a container farming pilot project to help us grow produce for our animals. These projects reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy resources, lessen flooding, allow the reuse of collected rainwater, and diminish the emission of carbon dioxide typically released while transporting produce to the Zoo.
The Zoo is additionally partnered with many local, national, and global conservation organizations to positively affect communities across the world. Not only do we collaborate with organizations, but we also love working with members of the community!

Want to Help
Want to help? Here are opportunities for YOU to join us in accomplishing our mission:
- Join the Plant for Pollinators initiative to create a pollinator garden or plant pollinator-friendly plants in potted containers where you live, learn, and work.
- Participate in Build A Better Home for Wildlife efforts by helping migrating birds, protecting local and international habitats, adopting mindful shopping habits, and contributing to community science efforts.
- Volunteer your time with a specific department at the Zoo or other beloved conservation organization or serve under-resourced human and ecological communities through the Zoo Unto Others AmeriCorps program.

At the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, we know that, together, we can make a positive difference for wildlife and habitats that are all around the world. We invite you to join us and fill your heart with passion for conservation. It is truly no coincidence that earth and heart are spelled with the same letters, so from the bottom of our hearts, Happy Earth Day!