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Date & Time

January 16 - 31, 2025

Give Fiona a $8 birthday gift and you could win the Ultimate Hippo Getaway including a chance to meet & greet with the bloat!

Fiona’s 8th Birthday

Fiona will be 8 on January 24, 2025! Give Fiona a $8 birthday gift and you could win the Ultimate Hippo Getaway including a chance to meet & greet with the bloat!

The Ultimate Hippo Getaway Grand prize winner receives:

  • A Behind the Scenes tour for five people to meet all 4 hippos (valid through 3/31/26)
  • $1,250 in flight vouchers with gold status from Frontier airlines
  • Two-night hotel stay at the Summit Hotel – the Zoo’s Official Hotel
  • Original Fiona kiss painting
  • Fiona books illustrated by Richard Cowdrey

Purchase your gift for Fiona through January 31, 2025 to be entered to win.

How to participate:

  • An $8 birthday gift gives you a digital Fiona kiss print and one entry to win the grand prize!
  • A $40 birthday gift also gets you the digital Fiona kiss print and 8 entries to win.
Enter Here

Funds raised help to provide food, toys, and fun enrichment for Zoo animals, so giving multiple gifts benefits the hippos and increases your chances of meeting them! Enter as many times as you like, now through Jan. 31st. Winner will be contacted by February 7, 2025.

Please note: Weather must be 40 degrees or warmer for the hippos to come outside.

Official Fiona Partners

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Official Rules & Details

Zoological Society of Cincinnati, an Ohio nonprofit corporation dba The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden (“Zoo”), a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, is sponsoring a fundraising event in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. All proceeds of the event will go to the Zoo and will be used in furtherance of its charitable purposes.

Entrance to Fiona’s Birthday is a donation of a hippo Birthday gift for $8 or seven entries for a $40 hippo gift. Each $8 donation receives a digital Fiona print and provides one entry to the drawing. One Winner will receive a behind the scenes hippo tour for 5 people to meet all 4 hippos.

Alternate method of entry available. A minimum donation of $8.00 is requested. Free entries defeat the charitable fundraising purpose of this event and are not encouraged. However, Mail in requests for alternate method of entry can be obtained by mail to the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden Events Department 3400 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45220. All requests must be made before noon on January 31th, 2025. Contact the event administrator for any mail in entry questions. All gift sales are final. No refunds are available except in the exclusive discretion of the Zoo. Void where prohibited. The chances of winning are based upon the actual number of entries received.
All sales for Fiona’s Birthday Party will end January 31, 2025 at 11:59PM. The winner will be contacted on or before February 7, 2025.

A name and email will be attached to each hippo gift. Positive identification will be required to claim any prize.

The winner will be contacted directly by phone or email. Any questions about these rules and regulations or the prize should be directed to the event administrator at [email protected].