Reptile Awareness Day

It’s Reptile Awareness Day and we’re introducing you to some of our keeper’s most-loved reptiles! Reptiles are a class of vertebrates that are scaly and cold-blooded and that, with a few exceptions, lay eggs. They include turtles, terrapins, and tortoises; lizards, and snakes! The Zoo is home to many reptiles including Hudo the Komodo dragon and our Galapagos tortoises!
Keepers Ryan and Jenna sent us some of their favorite photos they took of some of the reptiles that they care for and celebrate every day! Just like Fiona and Rico, these animals have personalities and traits unique to them!
Galapagos Tortoise (Bruno & Knobby)
Angolan Python (Pearl) & African Pancake Tortoise
Burmese Brown Mountain Tortoise
Spider Tortoise
Komodo Dragon (Hudo)
Chinese Alligator
Armadillo Girdled Lizard
Blue Tree Monitor
American Alligator (Lucy)
Prehensile-tailed skink/Monkey-tailed skink/Solomon Island Skink (Homely)
Ophidiophobia, or the fear of snakes, is among the top fears of American adults. While fear is a natural part of survival, an irrational fear of snakes and other reptiles is unwarranted. Once people learn more about reptiles and realize that most are harmless and even beneficial, their fears subside. Visitors to the Reptile House are introduced to a diversity of reptile species, encouraged to face their fears and implored to value reptiles for more than their skins.
The oldest American zoo building, the Reptile House was built in 1875 in Turkish style and is a National Historic Landmark. Originally housing monkeys, the building is now home to more than 35 reptile species, including snakes, lizards, turtles and alligators, from around the world!
Here are some ssslithering friends to look for at the Zoo:
Eastern Ratsnake (Spot)
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Angela)
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, juvenile
Emerald Tree Boa, juvenile
Green Tree Python
Apalachicola Kingsnake (Presley)
Eastern Ratsnake & Southern Copperhead
Make sure to stop by and visit these awesome reptiles in the Reptile House on your next Zoo visit!