World Elephant Day Celebration at the Cincinnati Zoo Aug. 12

Posted August 6, 2015


CINCINNATI, OH (August 6, 2015) This World Elephant Day, Wednesday, August 12, people around the world are uniting to protect and celebrate elephants. Elephants in the wild rely on us to help protect them and keep them safe. The increasing demand for ivory is driving African forest elephants to extinction. You can join the herd and show your support for these incredible animals – and “Go Grey.”

Between August 8 and 14 visitors can stop by the Cincinnati Zoo’s Elephant Wild Discover Zone from 9:30 – 3:00 to participate in elephant activities. Visitors can write a letter or color a picture that will be mailed from zoos across the country asking President Obama to step up America’s commitment to saving elephants.

So this Wednesday, wear your grey proudly! Grey clothes, shoes, hair ribbons, hair…you get the idea.  Join the Cincinnati Zoo and countless other zoos and organizations around the world as we raise awareness and support for the fight against poaching.

What else can you do?

  1. Take and share a greyscale (black and white) selfie (“elphie”) and tag it with #elphies, #BeHerd, #JoinTheSTAMPede, #GoGrey, #WorldElephantDay
  2. Turn your social media profile pictures and backgrounds to greyscale.
  3. On Wednesday, August 12, watch as everyone’s messages are shared in celebration of elephants!

Last, but certainly not least, learn more about the plight of elephants and what you can do to help at