Celebrate National Pollinators Week with our Pollinator Carnival
Join the Zoo during National Pollinators Week, June 22 to 28, for a Virtual Pollinator Carnival, presented by Simple Truth!
This week, we’ll celebrate the wonderful world of pollinators online with lots of fun activities for you and your family. Check the Pollinator Carnival webpage every day between June 22 and 28 for new educational content and activities, including helpful how-to videos on planting for pollinators. And be sure to keep an eye on the Cincinnati Zoo’s Pollen Nation Facebook page, and the Zoo’s Facebook and Instagram stories for more daily content.
This year, Miami University environmental science students brainstormed how to promote pollinator gardens virtually, through social media and other methods. The Zoo is excited to be sharing some of their ideas with you all this week!
Throughout the week, the Zoo challenges you to take the Plant for Pollinators Challenge. The challenge encourages you to transform your garden, patio, balcony, or community space into habitat for pollinators. Simply choose at least one nectar plant and one host plant from the Zoo’s recommended plant list and register your garden online. Your garden could provide food and shelter for pollinators like bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and more!