Two Elephants are Expecting after Cincinnati Zoo’s Bull Elephant Sabu’s Sabbatical in Columbus
Not one, but TWO of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium’s Asian elephants are pregnant after spending almost two years with Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden’s bull elephant Sabu [SAH-boo], who was sent to Columbus on a breeding recommendation from the Species Survival Plan® (SSP), a program coordinated by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) to maintain genetic diversity of threatened and endangered species in professional care.
Photos (Sabu in Columbus and in Cincinnati) | Videos (Sabu in Elephant Trek)
“This is great news for the North American Asian elephant population and hugely significant for the herd here in Cincinnati,” said Cincinnati Zoo’s director of animal care, Christina Gorsuch. “We’re in the process of introducing Sabu to females that moved into our new elephant habitat while he was away in Columbus. Our hope is that he will breed with them and that Elephant Trek will be home to baby elephants in the near future!”
The gestation period for elephants is 22 months, so little ones in Cincinnati isn’t right around the corner. The Columbus calves, however, are expected to arrive in 2025!!
“Sabu is one of the most genetically-valuable elephants in North American and has no living offspring,” said Gorsuch. “We’re all breathing a sigh of relief to know that he can contribute to the survival of his species making baby elephants and ensuring his legacy in multiple herds.”
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species™, Asian elephants are listed as Endangered in their native range across southern and southeastern Asia. Elephant populations are in decline due to various factors including habitat loss/degradation and poaching. The International Elephant Foundation (IEF) estimates there are 40,000-50,000 Asian elephants remaining.
Cincinnati Zoo and the Columbus Zoo are both committed to protecting Asian elephants in the wild and are leaders of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Saving Animals From Extinction (AZA SAFE) Asian Elephant Program, an AZA initiative to leverage collective expertise to protect species’ future. Learn more about Cincinnati Zoo’s Asian elephant conservation efforts here.
“Ending Asian Elephant Awareness Month with this announcement is a true testament to how zoos can work together to ensure the survival of this incredible species while giving the elephants the opportunities to live their best lives,” said Gorsuch.
Visitors can see Sabu and the rest of Cincinnati Zoo’s elephant herd when Elephant Trek opens this Fall and can see updates about them on the Zoo’s social channels.
The Zoo is open daily from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Members enjoy early entry starting at 9 a.m.
DID YOU KNOW…. You pay more than $10 less per ticket, on select days, when you purchase tickets online! That’s a $40 savings for a family of 4!