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When developing a new tissue culture medium or when trying to improve a medium, understanding its composition is important.

There are many commercially available formulations, while there are many more published recipes that have been developed for specific uses.  If you are considering using one of these media, how does it compare with other media, how different is it, and what are those differences?

This Media Comparison Tool allows you to visualize the major and minor elements of commercially available and other published media, to understand their composition and to allow for a comparison between media.

Currently, there are more than 25 media included.  If there is a medium you would like to have included, please send information on its formulation to [email protected].

This tool provides a way to directly compare the inorganic components of published media commonly used for plant tissue culture.  This can help in finding media that might be best suited to your species, or media that might differ from each other in significant ways to test the responses of a species in vitro to those differences.