Orycteropus afer
The aardvark is specialized to eat ants and termites.
Learn MoreAardwolf
Proteles cristatus
A solitary and nocturnal member of the hyena family, the aardwolf specializes in feeding on termites.
Learn MoreAfrican Lion
Panthera leo
Unlike other cats, lions live in social groups called prides that consist of a handful of related females and their young and a coalition of two to three males.
Learn MoreAfrican Painted Dog
Lycaon pictus
For African painted dogs, also known as wild dogs, cooperation is the name of the game and survival is the aim.
Learn MoreAfrican penguin
Spheniscus demersus
Penguins can’t fly in the air. Underwater, it’s a different story.
Learn MoreAfrican Pygmy Falcon
Polihierax semitorquatus
Though it is the smallest raptor in Africa, the African pygmy falcon is a powerful predator.
Learn MoreAlligator Gar
Lepisosteus spatula
Although few alligator gars approach the record size of 10 feet and 300 pounds, they are still among the largest freshwater fish in North America.
Learn MoreAlligator Snapping Turtle
Macroclemys temmnicki
The alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in the world
Learn MoreAlpaca
Like llamas, alpacas are related to camels.
Learn MoreAmerican alligator
Alligator mississippiensis
Most reptiles pay no attention to their offspring, but alligators are truly tender mothers.
Learn MoreAmerican burying beetle
Nicrophorus americanus
The American burying beetle makes a living out of eating the dead.
Learn MoreAmerican crocodile
Crocodylus acutus
The American crocodile population plummeted during the mid-1900s due to unregulated hunting for its hide.
Learn MoreAndean Condor
Vultur gryphus
Among the largest flying birds in the world, the Andean condor relies on its huge wings—the largest wing area of any bird—and strong winds to stay aloft.
Learn MoreAngolan Colobus Monkey
Colobus angolensis
Colobus monkeys are adapted for a life in the trees.
Learn MoreAnthony’s Poison Dart Frog
Epipedobates anthonyi
Protected by other predators' instinctive unwillingness to prey on them, Anthony's poison dart frog boldly hunts small insects during the day without fear.
Learn MoreApalachicola Kingsnake
Lampropeltis getula meansi
The Apalachicola kingsnake is a subspecies of the common kingsnake.
Learn MoreArmadillo Lizard
Ouroborus cataphractus
The armadillo lizard’s back is covered in hard scales.
Learn MoreAruba Island Rattlesnake
Crotalus unicolor
The Aruba Island rattlesnake is one of the rarest rattlesnakes in the world.
Learn MoreAsian elephant
Elephas maximus
From trunk to toe, Asia’s largest land mammal displays some amazing adaptations to life as a forest-dwelling herbivore.
Learn MoreAtlantic Puffin
Fratercula arctica
The puffin is built for diving and swimming underwater with small, sturdy wings and webbed feet
Learn MoreAye Aye
Daubentonia madagascariensis
Like a woodpecker, the aye-aye is a percussion forager.
Learn MoreAzureus cichlid
Copadichromis azureus
The azureus cichlid is a plankton-feeder from Lake Malawi in Africa.
Learn MoreBaja Whipspider
Acanthophrynus coronatus
Among the largest whipspiders in the world, little is known of the Baja Whipspider’s natural history.
Learn MoreBald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
All of the bald eagles at the Cincinnati Zoo were rescued.
Learn MoreBali Myna
Leucopsar rothschildi
One of the most beautiful birds in the world, with its striking snow white feathers, lacy head crest, and blue eye patch, the Bali myna is also one of the rarest.
Learn MoreBarn owl
Tyto alba
The barn owl is a farmer’s best friend. By hunting mice and other small mammals, which it can catch in total darkness, the owl helps control the population of these pint-sized grain thieves.
Learn MoreBarred Owl
Strix varia
Perched in a tree, the barred owl scans the forest floor for small creatures.
Learn MoreBat Cave Cockroach
Eublaberus distanti
Bat caves are home to more than bats.
Learn MoreBat-eared Fox
Otocyon megalotis
Emerging at dusk from an underground den, the bat-eared fox prowls for prey.
Learn MoreBearcat (Binturong)
Arctitis binturong
Also known as the binturong, the bearcat is agile like a cat in the canopy and less adept on ground, walking flat-footed like a bear.
Learn MoreBlack and White Colobus Monkey
Colobus guereza
The colobus monkey spends most of its time feeding in the canopy and rarely comes down to the ground.
Learn MoreBlack Howler Monkey
Alouatta caraya
Living in extended family groups, howler monkeys spend most of the day feasting on leaves in the treetops.
Learn MoreBlack Rat Snake
Pantherophis alleghaniensis
The black rat snake is the largest snake in Ohio, reaching lengths up to eight feet.
Learn MoreBlack Rhinoceros
Diceros bicornis
Traveling alone, a black rhino brandishes the two horns on its head at an intruder.
Learn MoreBlack-Breasted Leaf Turtle
Geoemyda spengleri
Growing no longer than four inches, the black-breasted leaf turtle is one of the world’s smallest turtles.
Learn MoreBlack-Footed Cat
Felis nigripes
One of the smallest wild cats, the black-footed cat rests during the day among the bushes or in a burrow abandoned by an aardvark or porcupine.
Learn MoreBlue and Gold Macaw
Ara ararauna
Macaws are brilliantly-colored, neotropical parrots.
Learn MoreBlue Death Feigning Beetle
Asbolus verrucosus
When threatened, the blue death feigning beetle rolls over on its back and plays dead.
Learn MoreBlue Tree Monitor
Varanus macraei
Scientists describe newly discovered species of monitors still today.
Learn MoreBlue-Crowned Laughing Thrush
Garrulax galbanus courtoisi
Pairs or small family groups of laughing thrushes forage along the ground for fruits, berries, and insects.
Learn MoreBlue-Crowned Motmot
Momotus momota
Motmots are easily distinguished from other birds by their tail feathers.
Learn MoreBlue-Grey Tanager
Thraupis episcopus
Blue-gray tanagers were named for their two-toned coloration: gray or light blue on their head and chest, deepening to a brighter blue coloration along their wings and tail.
Learn MoreBlue-Throated Macaw
Ara glaucogularis
The blue-throated macaw was once thought to be extinct.
Learn MoreBoat-Billed Heron
Cochlearius cochlearius
Roosting in the trees during the day, the boat-billed heron comes down at dusk to hunt.
Learn MoreBonobo
Pan paniscus
Also called the pygmy chimp, the bonobo is slightly smaller than the common chimpanzee.
Learn MoreBrazilian Porcupine
Coendou prehensilis
Spending most of its time in the canopy, the Brazilian porcupine is an expert climber.
Learn MoreBrazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater
Lasiodora parahybana
With a legspan reaching 10 inches or more, the Brazilian salmon pink birdeater is one of the largest tarantulas.
Learn MoreBrazilian White-knee tarantula
Acanthoscurria geniculata
This large tarantula is found in the Amazon Basin. It actively hunts out prey, pouncing on it to inflict a venomous bite.
Learn MoreBrown recluse spider
Loxosceles reclusa
This potentially dangerous spider is in fact quite shy (a real recluse) and normally bites humans only when accidentally trapped against the skin.
Learn MoreBuff-cheeked gibbon
Hylobales gabriellae
Gibbons are known for a specialized form of swinging locomotion called brachiation.
Learn MoreBuff-crested bustard
Eudpodotis ruficrista
The buff-crested bustard is named for a crest of feathers along the back of the male’s neck that are erected when displaying.
Learn MoreBurmese Brown mountain tortoise
Manouria emys emys
Due to its large size—it’s the fourth largest tortoise in the world—and slow nature, the Burmese brown mountain tortoise is a relatively easy target for hunters.
Learn MoreBurmese Python
Python molurus
One of the largest snakes in the world, the Burmese python can grow up to 25 feet long and get as thick as a telephone pole.
Learn MoreCape Barren Goose
Cereopsis novaehollandiae
The Cape Barron goose is primarily terrestrial, spending very little time in the water.
Learn MoreCape Porcupine
Hystrix africaeaustralis
Contrary to popular belief, a porcupine cannot shoot its spines and quills.
Learn MoreCave whip spider
Damon variegates
This bizarre arachnid is only distantly related to true spiders.
Learn MoreCheetah
Acinonyx jubatus
The cheetah plays an important role as a predator on the African savannah.
Learn Morechinese alligator
Alligator sinensis
A full-grown Chinese alligator is only about half as big as its cousin, the American alligator.
Learn MoreChinese Crocodile Lizard
Shinisaurus crocodilurus
Mainly active during the day, it often enters into a metabolic pause, remaining completely still and unresponsive for hours at a time.
Learn MoreChuckwalla
Sauromalus ater
The chuckwalla is a diurnal lizard that emerges from its rocky shelter to bask in the sun and forage for leaves and fruit during the day.
Learn MoreClouded leopard
Neofelis nebulosa
A powerful and robust build, short legs, large feet, and a long tail allow the clouded leopard to expertly navigate the forest canopy.
Learn MoreCommon Cooter
Pseudemys concinna floridana
Cooters are sun-loving freshwater turtles that spend much of day basking on logs at the edges of ponds, lakes, and rivers in the Southeastern United States.
Learn MoreCommon Eider
Somateria mollissima
A large sea duck, the common eider dives up to 60 feet deep to pluck clams, crabs and other animals off the sea floor.
Learn MoreCoquerel’s Sifaka
Propithecus coquereli
The sifaka is a large lemur built for a specialized type of locomotion called vertical clinging and leaping.
Learn MoreCorn Snake
Pantherophis guttatus
Although the corn snake is primarily terrestrial, it can climb trees, rocks, and even buildings, with ease.
Learn MoreCougar
Puma concolor
Historically, the cougar ranged throughout the Americas.
Learn MoreCrested Coua
Coua cristata
The crested coua is a type of cuckoo bird.
Learn MoreCrested Guineafowl
Guttera pucherani
Crested guineafowl stick close together in flocks for safety.
Learn MoreDerbyana Flower Beetle
Dicronorhina derbyana
While in it's larval stage, the grub spends several months underground consuming broken-down leaf litter and recycling nutrients back into the soil.
Learn MoreDesert Rainworm
Orthoporus sp.
The desert rainworm, a type of millipede, spends most of its life underground.
Learn MoreDomino Roach
Therea petiveriana
The white-spotted pattern of the domino roach is thought to be a form of defensive mimicry.
Learn MoreDragon-headed katydid
Lesina intermedia
The dragon-headed katydid is a type of bush cricket, so named for its huge mandibles that are used to eat a variety of fruits and other insects.
Learn MoreDumeril’s Ground Boa
Acrantopis dumerili
The Dumeril’s boa’s black and brown coloring enables it to hide among the leaf litter on the forest floor.
Learn MoreDyeing poison dart frog
Dendrobatus tinctorius
An unwary snake or other predator that tries to eat a poison dart frog will become very sick, paralyzed or even die from the ingestion of an alkaloid-based poison secreted through the frog’s skin.
Learn MoreEastern bongo
Tragelaphus eurycerus
One of the largest forest antelopes, the shy and reclusive bongo wears a reddish coat with white stripes for camouflage.
Learn MoreEastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
Crotalus adamanteus
The largest rattlesnake in the world and largest venomous snake in North America, the eastern diamondback rattlesnake seeks shelter in mammal and gopher tortoise burrows and uprooted trees.
Learn MoreEastern Lubber Grasshopper
Romalea microptera
The Eastern lubber grasshopper is well-known in Florida and nearby states for its size, color, and large gatherings.
Learn MoreEastern Screech owl
Megascops asio
In spite of their small size, screech owls are exceptional night hunters using their keen sense of hearing to pinpoint prey in the dark.
Learn MoreEmerald Beetle
Smaragdestes orzini
Scarab beetles like the emerald beetle play an important role in many natural communities.
Learn MoreEmerald Tree Boa
Corallus caninus
At rest during the day, the emerald tree boa drapes in coils across a tree branch.
Learn MoreEmperor Scorpion
Pandinus imperator
A young emperor scorpion kills its prey with venom injected through the sharp sting at the tip of its ‘tail.’
Learn MoreEurasian eagle owl
Bubo bubo
With wings that can span up to six feet, the Eurasian eagle owl is one of the largest owls in the world.
Learn MoreFennec Fox
Vulpes zerda
The smallest fox, the fennec fox has the largest ears relative to body size of any canid, reaching lengths of up to six inches.
Learn MoreFire-bellied newt
Cynops pyrrhogaster
Less than six inches long, this aquatic amphibian feeds on insects and other invertebrates in slow-moving or still waters.
Learn MoreFishing Cat
Prionailurus viverrinus
As its name implies, the favored prey of the fishing cat is fish.
Learn MoreFlorida Manatee
Trichechus manatus latirostris
Also called the sea cow, the manatee is the only herbivorous mammal specially designed to live its entire life in the water.
Learn MoreFlorida Pine Snake
Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus
The Florida pine snake is one of the largest eastern snakes in North America
Learn MoreFreckled Duck
Stictonetta naevosa
Australia’s rarest waterfowl, the Freckled Duck breeds in swamps in inland Australia.
Learn MoreGalapagos Tortoise
Chelonoidis microphyes
With few natural predators and competitors for food, the Galápagos tortoise grew over time into the largest turtle in the world.
Learn MoreGarnett’s Galago (Greater Bushbaby)
Otolemur garnetti
Bushbabies spend the day resting in a tree hole or among the vines, hiding from snakes.
Learn MoreGiant African Millipede
This elongate arthropod moves slowly, thus, cannot make a quick escape.
Learn MoreGiant Fruit Bat (Indian Flying Fox)
Pteropus giganteus
The giant fruit bat roosts in large colonies, up to 1,000 individuals, during the day.
Learn MoreGiant Jumping Stick
Is this insect a walking stick? Take a closer look at the hind legs—they’re modified for jumping. It actually is a stick-like grasshopper!
Learn MoreGiant Spiny Leaf Insect
Heteropteryx dilatata
In this sexually dimorphic species, the female is green or yellow and leaf-shaped, while the male is brown and looks like a dead curled leaf.
Learn MoreGiant Water bug
Abedus herberti
This insect breathes at the surface or from an air bubble held under its wings when submerged, somewhat like a tiny SCUBA diver.
Learn MoreGila Monster
Heloderma suspectrum
One of only a few venomous lizards in the world, the Gila monster uses its venom more as a defense than for subduing the small prey it eats.
Learn MoreGolden Silk Spider
Trichonephila clavipes
Up to three inches long, the female Florida orb web spider is five or six times larger than the male.
Learn MoreGolden-breasted starling
Cosmopsarus regius
Golden-breasted starlings exhibit cooperative breeding, where group members assist with nest-building and feeding the young.
Learn MoreGreater Flamingo
Phoenicopterus roseus
A greater flamingo wades into shallow water on its long legs.
Learn MoreGreater Siren
Siren lacertina
The greater siren is a primative salamander that reaches lengths of more than three feet.
Learn MoreGreen and Black Poison Dart Frog
Dendrobatus auratus
The green and black dart frog is one of more than 100 species of poison dart frogs.
Learn MoreGreen Basilisk
Basiliscus plumifrons
A member of the iguana family, the green basilisk lizard spends most of its time in the trees and is never far from water.
Learn MoreGreen tree monitor
Varanus prasinus
Specialized for an arboreal lifestyle, the green tree monitor’s slender body and long claws enable it to lie along slim tree branches without slipping.
Learn MoreGrey Crowned Crane
Balearica regulorum
The golden crown of feathers atop the Grey crowned crane’s head is not the only thing that distinguishes it from other cranes.
Learn MoreGuam Rail
Gallirallus owstoni
The brown tree snake hit the jackpot when it found its way onto the island of Guam – flightless, ground-nesting birds with no defenses against a snake.
Learn MoreHamerkop
Scopus umbretta
The hamerkop is named for how the shape of its heavy bill and large head crest resembles a hammer.
Learn MoreHellbender
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis
The hellbender is the largest fully aquatic salamander in the United States.
Learn MoreHelmeted Curassow
Pauxi pauxi
The Helmeted Curassow was named for the large casque on its head, which resembles a helmet.
Learn MoreHenkel’s Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Uroplatus henkeli
Henkel's leaf-tailed gecko is a species of gecko, a lizard in the family Gekkonidae. The species is found in Madagascar.
Learn MoreHippopotamus
Hippopotamus amphibius
Hippos can open their mouths about three times wider than people can.
Learn MoreHissing Cockroach
Gromphadorhina portentosa
The Madagascar hissing cockroach, also known as the hissing cockroach or simply hisser, is one of the largest species of cockroach
Learn MoreHorned Puffin
Fratercula corniculata
Puffins are built for diving and swimming underwater with small, sturdy wings and webbed feet.
Learn MoreHorsehead Grasshopper
Pseudoproscopia latirostris
The giant walking stick is one of the longest walking sticks.
Learn MoreHyacinth Macaw
Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
The hyacinth macaw’s strong, hooked beak is designed for cracking open nuts, a favorite of which is the oil palm nut.
Learn MoreInca Tern
Larosterna inca
Inca Tern is a near threatened species of bird found on the coast and coastal islands of Chile and Peru.
Learn MoreIndian Star Tortoise
Geochelone elegans
A striking shell pattern of yellow-striped stars helps the Indian star tortoise camouflage within dry grassy patches.
Learn MoreIndochinese Spitting Cobra
Naja siamensis
Like a water pistol, a spitting cobra defends itself by shooting venom at an enemy’s eyes through a small hole in its bottom fangs.
Learn MoreKangaroo
Kangaroos live in social groups called mobs.
Learn MoreKea
Nestor notabilis
The Zoo cares for the largest group of kea – a highly intelligent mountain parrot from New Zealand – in North America and is committed to the conservation of this species.
Learn MoreKing Cobra
Ophiophagus hannah
The king cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world.
Learn MoreKing Penguin
Aptenodytes patagonius
The second largest penguin, the king penguin spends most of its time at sea.
Learn MoreKomodo Dragon
Varanus komodoensis
The Komodo dragon is the top predator on the Indonesian islands it inhabits.
Learn MoreLady Ross’ Turaco
Musophaga rossae
Turacos rarely come down from the forest canopy.
Learn MoreLappet-faced Vulture
Torgos tracheliotos
With a wingspan up to nine feet wide, the lappet-faced vulture is the largest vulture in Africa.
Learn MoreLarge-spotted Genet
Genetta tigrina
Excellent binocular vision enables the genet to accurately judge distances, an important skill for leaping and pouncing.
Learn MoreLaughing Kookaburra
Dacelo navaeguineae
The kookaburra is nicknamed the Bushman’s clock for its alarming calls at dawn.
Learn MoreLeaf-cutting Ant
Atta cephalotes
A forager’s jaws vibrate a thousand times a second to shear off pieces of a leaf.
Learn MoreLesser Kudu
Tragelaphus imberbis
Adult males, called bulls, generally live a solitary life, whereas females live in small groups.
Learn MoreLittle Blue Penguin
Eudyptula minor
Also called fairy penguins, the little blue penguin’s feathers have a dark blue tinge.
Learn MoreLlama
Lama glama
A llama’s upper lip is split in half. The two sides press together to hold grass still while the llama cuts it with its teeth.
Learn MoreLoggerhead Musk Turtle
Sternotherus minor
Growing up to five inches long, this omnivorous turtle is found in muddy-bottomed lakes, ponds, and streams in the southeastern United States.
Learn MoreLongnose Gar
Lepisosteus osseus
To keep itself from becoming prey, the gar is protected by hard, diamond-shaped scales.
Learn MoreMadagascar Giant Day Gecko
Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis
The gecko’s toe pads are specially designed for gripping so that it can climb vertical surfaces.
Learn MoreMagellanic Penguin
Spheniscus magellanicus
Magellanic penguins wear the typical black and white tuxedo pattern, which is an adaptation called counter-shading.
Learn MoreMagnificent Flower Beetle
Chelorrhina polyphemus
Males are larger than females and bear forked horns used in shoving matches with other males to protect their claim to food or a mate.
Learn MoreMagpie Goose
Anseranas semipalmata
It is also the only water bird that often forms a mating trio, one male with two females.
Learn MoreMajor Mitchell’s Cockatoo
Cacatua leadbeateri
When the conditions are right and plenty of food is available, they breed.
Learn MoreMalayan Tiger
Panthera tigris jacksoni
Other than females with their young, tigers are solitary and come together only to mate.
Learn MoreMarbled Crayfish
Procambarus fallax
Breathing through feater-like gills, it feeds on and hides among aquatic plants to protect itself from fish, birds, and other predators.
Learn MoreMasai Giraffe
Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi
The giraffe’s six foot long neck contains just seven bones, the same number as other mammals, including you.
Learn MoreMasked Bobwhite Quail
Colinus virginianus ridgwayi
The Zoo is helping the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reestablish masked bobwhite quail populations in Arizona.
Learn MoreMasked Lapwing
Vanellus miles
The lapwing aggressively defends its nest during breeding season, dive bombing intruders or acting as if it has a broken wing to lure intruders away.
Learn MoreMatamata
Chelus fimbriatus
Once a fish is within reach, the turtle thrusts its head forward, opens its mouth as wide as possible and sucks in the fish like a vacuum.
Learn MoreMeerkat
Suricata suricatta
While the rest of the mob scurries about rustling up grub, they take turns standing tall on a rock, termite mound or tree, looking out for danger.
Learn MoreMexican Wolf
Canis lupus baileyei
Unlike the big, bad wolf in stories like Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs, wolves are actually shy and avoid people.
Learn MoreMini-Juliana Pig
Sus domesticus
Keep an eye out for our three mini-Juliana pigs-Magnolia, Thatcher and Cinder-as they walk around the Zoo with their trainers.
Learn MoreMosquitofish
Gambusia affinis
The little mosquitofish has a big job – keeping the mosquito population down by feeding on its aquatic larval and pupal stages.
Learn MoreMueller’s Gibbon
Hylobates muelleri
Before sunrise, male Mueller's gibbons sing a solo song lasting up to 40 minutes to advertise their presence.
Learn MoreNaked Mole-rat
Heterocephalus glaber
Digging tunnels, gnawing roots, and defending against intruders are all functions of the naked mole-rat’s enormous incisors.
Learn MoreNicobar pigeon
Caloenas nicobarica
The colorful Nicobar pigeon has such a strong, hooked bill that it can crack open nuts that would require a hammer for a human.
Learn MoreNigerian Dwarf Goat
Capra aegagrus hircus
Despite its miniature size, a female goat can produce two quarts of sweet milk a day.
Learn MoreNorth American River Otter
Lutra canadensis
An otter can hold its breath underwater for eight minutes.
Learn MoreNorthern Copperhead
Agkistrodon contorix mokeson
A ground-dwelling snake, it is difficult to spot amongst a blanket of fallen leaves so step carefully!
Learn MoreNorthern Spider Tortoise
Pyxis arachnoides brygooi
The future of this tiny tortoise is jeopardized by habitat destruction and overcollection for the pet trade.
Learn MoreNubian Goat
Capra aegagrus hircus
Also called Anglo-Nubian, these goats are larger than most domestic goats, but they are the most affectionate and calm.
Learn MoreOkapi
Okapia johnstoni
The foot-long tongue also allows the okapi to lick and clean its own eyelids and ears.
Learn MoreOrchid Mantid
Hymenopus coronatus
The orchid mantid is a praying mantis named for its resemblance to an orchid flower
Learn MoreOrnate Horned Frog
Ceratophrys ornata
The ornate horned frog has pointy folds of skin above its eyes rather than actual horns.
Learn MoreOstrich
Struthio camelus
It can deliver a powerful kick, if a predator gets too close.
Learn MorePallas’s Cat
Octocolobus manul
Its pale grey coat affords the Pallas's cat cover, blending in with the surrounding rocks.
Learn MorePancake Tortoise
Malacochersus tornieri
At the sign of danger, the pancake tortoise runs for shelter among the rocks rather than withdrawing into its shell like other tortoises.
Learn MorePascagoula Map Turtle
Graptemys gibbonsi
Map turtles are named for the detailed map-like designs on their shells.
Learn MorePeppered Roach
Archimandrita tesselata
Central AmericaCockroaches are a very misunderstood group of insects; out of over 4,000 species fewer than 20 are considered human pests.
Learn MorePeruvian Firestick
Oreophoetes peruana
When threatened, the firestick secretes a stinky and irritating body fluid.
Learn MorePied Imperial Pigeon
Ducula bicolor
Pied imperial pigeons travel in flocks at dusk and dawn and are migratory birds.
Learn MorePigeon Guillemot
Cepphus columba
Using their wings as paddles and their feet as rudders, they dive more than 150 feet deep to the sea bottom.
Learn MorePink-backed Pelican
Pelecanus rufescens
The large skin pouch that hangs from the pelican’s bill sweeps up more than a gallon of water, along with a fish or two, at a time.
Learn MorePlains Zebra
Equus quagga
As distinctive as a fingerprint, every zebra has a unique pattern of stripes.
Learn MorePoison Dart Frog
Dendrobates tinctorius
Scientists are studying the frog’s toxins in search of potential medical uses.
Learn MorePotto
Perodictus potto
The potto is so quiet and stealthy that it is sometimes referred to as the “softly-softly”.
Learn MoreProject Passenger Pigeon
Ectopistes migratorius
Now extinct, the Passenger Pigeon was once the most abundant bird in North America, and perhaps the world, more than five billion passenger pigeons were flying free in the early 1800s.
Learn MorePygmy Slow Loris
Nycticebus pygmaeus
Quince Monitor
Varanus melinus
Monitors do not drop and regrow their tails as do some other lizards.
Learn MoreRadiated Tortoise
Geochelone radiate
Sporting a striking star-shaped pattern of yellow streaks on its high-domed shell, the radiated tortoise is considered one of the world’s most beautiful tortoises.
Learn MoreRed and Yellow Barbet
Trachyphonus erythrocephalus
All members of a small family group of red and yellow barbets help feed and raise the young.
Learn MoreRed Panda
Ailurus fulgens
Red pandas spend up to 13 hours a day foraging for bamboo, eating only the youngest, most tender leaves.
Learn MoreRed River Hog
Potamochoerus porcus
Using their strong snouts and sharp tusks to bulldoze through the leaf litter and soil, they dig up a dinner of roots, bulbs, other plants and small animals.
Learn MoreRed-capped Cardinal
Paroaria coronata
This bird's large feet allow it to walk on floating vegetation as it feeds in wet areas
Learn MoreRed-crowned Crane
Grus japonensis
Cranes mate for life, and the pair stay together year round.
Learn MoreRed-Eyed Assassin Bug
Platymeris laevicollis
Assassin bugs are known as ambush predators.
Learn MoreRed-kneed Tarantula
Euathlus smithi
This tarantula feeds on insects, small lizards and rodents.
Learn MoreRed-legged seriema
Cariama cristata
Seriemas are known for their loud calls, which can be heard over a mile away.
Learn MoreRhinoceros Hornbill
Buceros rhinoceros
The rhinoceros hornbill is named for the rhino horn-shaped casque on its beak, which may be used in fighting, to amplify its calls, for courtship displays, or just to knock down fruit for eating.
Learn MoreRhinoceros Katydid
Copiphora rhinoceros
While most katydids are herbivores, the rhinoceros katydid feeds on animals as well as plants with the help of a large, mighty jaw.
Learn MoreRing-tailed Lemur
Lemur catta
The lemur’s tail can grow up to two feet long, which is longer than the rest of the body.
Learn MoreRingtail
Bassariscus astutus
An expert climber, the ringtail can climb down trees headfirst by rotating its hind feet 180 degrees.
Learn MoreRuddy Shelduck
Tadorna ferruginea
A ruddy shelduck pair nests in a tree hollow, among stone piles, or in an abandoned burrow.
Learn MoreRüppell’s Griffon Vulture
Gyps rueppellii
Rüppell's griffon vulture is considered to be the highest-flying bird, with confirmed evidence of a flight at an altitude of 11,300 m (37,000 ft) above sea level.
Learn MoreSaddle-billed Stork
Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis
They quickly strike to grasp or impale fish with its sharp bill
Learn MoreSaffron Finch
Sicalis flaveola
Unlike many other finches, they are not migratory.
Learn MoreSand Cat
Felis margarita
Covered with hair, its footpads are insulated from the hot sand.
Learn MoreScarlet Ibis
Eudocimus ruber
To afford greater protection against predators, the scarlet ibis gathers in large breeding colonies and roosts high up in the trees close to water.
Learn MoreScreaming Hairy Armadillo
Chaetophractus vellerosus
Long hairs that stick out between the sections of its armor distinguish the screaming hairy armadillo from other armadillos.
Learn MoreServal
Leptailurus serval
Servals have been known to jump as high as 3.6 m (12 ft) to catch birds in mid air.
Learn MoreSheltopusik
Pseudopus apodus
Often mistaken for a snake, the sheltopusik is actually a large, legless lizard.
Learn MoreSiamang
Hylobates syndactylus
The largest of all gibbons, the siamang is also the loudest as its musical calls can be heard through dense rainforest foliage up to two miles away.
Learn MoreSmew
Mergellus albellus
Tooth-like serrations on its bill are made for grasping a slippery, struggling fish.
Learn MoreSnow Leopard
Uncia uncia
Up to three feet long, the snow leopard's tail helps it to maintain balance while navigating steep and rocky slopes.
Learn MoreSouthern Brazilian Ocelot
Leopardus pardalis mitis
Decorated with dark splotches and stripes, its golden coat camouflages with the foliage and hides the hunter from its prey.
Learn MoreSouthern Copperhead
Agkistrodon contortrix contortix
Many snake species, including the Southern copperhead, den up in the winter to avoid the cold temperatures.
Learn MoreSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
Eudyptes chrysocome
Working with scientists in Chile, the Zoo is tracking rockhopper penguins to find out where they travel once they leave their nesting sites.
Learn MoreSouthern Tamandua
Tamandua tetradactlya
A single tamandua can eat up to 9,000 ants in a single day!
Learn MoreSteller’s Sea Eagle
Haliaeetus pelagicus
The Steller's sea eagle is one of the largest eagles in the world.
Learn MoreStriped Love Beetle
Eudicella gralli
Male striped love beetles have forked horns they use in shoving matches for food or combat for females.
Learn MoreSumatran Orangutan
Pongo pygmaeus abelii
The only truly arboreal ape, the orangutan is also the largest tree-dwelling animal.
Learn MoreSunbittern
Eurypyga helias
In flight, the sunbittern has been said to resemble a giant butterfly.
Learn MoreSunburst Diving Beetle
Thermonectus marmoratus
This beetle is streamlined, has powerful oar-like hind legs for propulsion, and steers with its short forelegs
Learn MoreTawny Frogmouth
Podargus strigoides
Though it resembles an owl, the tawny frogmouth belongs to an order of insect-eating, nocturnal birds that includes nightjars and nighthawks.
Learn MoreTaxi-cab Beetle
Pachnoda peregrina
This variegated yellow-trimmed beetle often feeds in groups, and perhaps then does look like a fleet of taxicabs jockeying for position
Learn MoreTexas Bullet Ant
Neoponera villosa
Foraging bullet ants lay down chemical trails to lead nestmates to food.
Learn MoreThick-Billed Parrot
Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha
The only living parrot that once ranged in the United States, the thick-billed parrot is dependent on highland pine-oak forests for food and nesting
Learn MoreThorny Devil
Eurycantha calcarata
This stick insect is heavily armored, sports sharp body spines, and during the day clusters in groups for protection from predators.
Learn MoreTimber Rattlesnake
Crotalus horridus
Like all rattlesnakes, the timber rattlesnake kills its prey by striking and injecting it with venom through a pair of fangs.
Learn MoreTimor Zebra Finch
Taeniopygia guttata guttata
Zebra finches learn their complex, signature song from their parents in the first 80 days after hatching.
Learn MoreTiticaca Water Frog
Telmatobius culeus
Rather than breathing air like humans do, the Titicaca water frog absorbs oxygen from the water through its baggy skin.
Learn MoreTrumpeter Swan
Cygnus buccinator
A male and female, known as the cob and pen respectively, mate for life and share in raising the young.
Learn MoreTwo-toed Amphiuma
Amphiuma means
With its strong jaws and two rows of razor-sharp teeth, the amphiuma catches and eats other salamanders, frogs, crayfish and other small, aquatic creatures.
Learn MoreTwo-toed Sloth
Choloepus didactylus
With such a slow metabolism, it can take up to a month for a sloth to digest a meal.
Learn MoreVampire Bat
Desmodus rotundus
Vampire bats rarely attack humans, preferring to feed on livestock and wild mammals such as tapirs and deer.
Learn MoreVerreaux’s Eagle Owl
Bubo lacteus
Verreaux’s eagle owl, also known as a milky eagle owl is the largest owl in Africa.
Learn MoreVictoria Crowned Pigeon
Goura victoria
Nearly the size of a turkey, the Victoria crowned pigeon is the largest of all living pigeons.
Learn MoreVisayan Warty Pig
Sus cebifrons
During the breeding season, the tuft of hair on the boar’s head grows into an impressive head-to-tail mane.
Learn MoreWater Scorpion
Laccotrephes sp.
Using a long tube, or siphon, as a snorkel to access air, the water scorpion sits on the bottom of a pond and waits for prey to come by.
Learn MoreWater Strider
Aquarius remigis
Its long mid and hind legs spread body weight over a large area and are coated with tiny air-trapping hairs providing pontoon-like floatation.
Learn MoreWestern Lowland Gorilla
Gorilla gorilla gorilla
Gorillas walk on the knuckles of their hands and the soles of their feet.
Learn MoreWhite Ibis
Eudocimus albus
White Ibises stand out in the crowd with their reddish-pink legs and bills. Unlike larger herons who stalk their prey.
Learn MoreWhite-breasted cormorant
Phalacrocorax carbo lucidus
As bird feathers go, those of the cormorant are unusual in that they allow moisture to penetrate.
Learn MoreWhite-eared Bulbul
Pycnonotus leucotis
Usually seen in pairs or small flocks, white-cheeked bulbuls are medium-sized songbirds named for their prominent white cheek patches.
Learn MoreWhite-eyed Assassin Bug
Platymeris biguttata
The white-eyed assassin bug is an ambush predator of small insects.
Learn MoreWhite-Faced Saki
Pithecia pithecia
The males are all black except for the white fur around their faces while the females are overall brown.
Learn MoreWhite-Handed Gibbon
Hylobates lar
Gibbons have leather-like soles on their feet and an opposable big toe that help it grasp and walk upright on branches.
Learn MoreWhite-Headed Buffalo Weaver
Dinemellia dinemelli
White-headed buffalo weavers were named for their elaborate nests, which often have multiple compartments and tunnels, that they “weave” together using thorny branches.
Learn MoreWhite-naped Pheasant Pigeon
Otidiphaps nobilis aruensis
Its long moaning coo, also uncharacteristic of a pigeon, carries a long distance through the forest.
Learn MoreWood Duck
Aix sponsa
Strong claws on the tips of its webbed feet help it grip tree bark.
Learn MoreYellow Banded Poison Dart Frog
Dendrobatus leucomelas
Researchers are studying poison dart frog toxins as a possible source of human medicine.
Learn MoreYellow Rat Snake
Pantherophis alleghaniensis
The yellow rat snake is non-venomous.
Learn MoreYellow-bellied Beetle
Pachnoda flaviventris
This brightly patterned beetle really does have a yellow underside. It is a strong flyer, widespread and commonly observed in nature, much like our native June beetle in the United States.
Learn MoreYellow-billed duck
Anas undulata
African yellow-billed ducks are typically nocturnal foragers, feeding at dusk and after dark.
Learn MoreYellow-rumped cacique
Cacicus cela
The symphony of sounds emanated from a colony is truly remarkable, complete with fluting notes, cackles, clucks and wheezes.
Learn MoreZebra Bug
Eurycotis dicipiens
Its colorful pattern warns potential predators, such as birds and small mammals, that it can quickly release a noxious, eye and nose-burning chemical deterrent.
Learn More